Ruslan Mukhamedvaleev

Design, Research, and Machine Learning.

Ruslan Mukhamedvaleev's profile photo

About Me

Hi! I'm a junior in high school interested in design, research, and coding. I've been fortunate enough to work on designing and coding several projects over the last couple of years, most recently including work with people at Koel Labs Washington State University and Stanford University. In my free time, I'm an advocate for youth involvement in government, compete in competitive robotics, and work on non-profit web design.

Highlighted Projects

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Screenshot of Koel Labs Website - Official website for Koel Labs
Screenshot of FOYM Website - I designed and developed the website for FOYM, a project I started that provides free web development services to nonprofits and other community-based organizations. I wanted to design something with neon colors while maintaining a professional, slightly futuristic look.
Screenshot of Ukrainian Book Project Website - Platform for tracking Ukrainian language collections in US libraries.
Screenshot of UW CSE 455 Kernal Demo Site - I designed and developed the front-end interface for an image-processing demonstration tool for the University Of Washington's CSE 455 Computer Vision class. The program allows users to input any 3x3 kernel matrix applied to an image they choose.
Screenshot of Washington Youth Alliance Website - Official website for Washington Youth Alliance organization.
Screenshot of Accessible Articles - This was my team's first-place-winning project for Washington State University's CougHacks '24. We created a program to make articles more accessible for people with conditions like Dyslexia by providing full color, font, and size customizability.
Screenshot of Mukilteo Robotics Website - I designed and developed the website for Mukilteo Robotics, a local non-profit organization that provides free competitive robotics access in the Mukilteo area. I wanted the design to have a professional and modern look to solidify and legitimize the organization for sponsor outreach.
Screenshot of COVID-19 Machine Learning Analysis - This was my team's project for the DubsTech's '23 Datathon. We won first place in the health track and second place overall for our exceptional machine-learning model. Our goal was to create a modal that could accurately predict inpatient bed counts based on previous data to help hospitals stressed by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Co-Founder, Chief Product Officer

Koel Labs

Aug 2024 - Present

  1. Lead design and development of MVP shown off at Mozilla Builders Demo Day.
  2. Designed and developed the brand from the ground up, from logos to graphics to typography, culminating in a new website and brand materials.
  3. Leading product design and development, including brand identity, landing page, web application UI/UX, and user research to create an intuitive and cohesive experience.
Koel LabsMozilla Builders Cohort 2024

Research Assistant

Previously: Research Intern

Washington State University

Aug 2023 - Present

  1. Created huge XLSX dataset of libraries by developing a Python script to collect data from WorldCat API.
  2. Collected, cleaned, and filtered thousands of rows of data before making a visualization using Tableau.
  3. Co-authored research poster for presentation at WSU Academic Showcase 24 & WSU Everett Symposium.
  4. Co-authoring research paper about the state of Ukrainian literature across U.S. libraries. Submitted for ACH 24.
Washington State University logoResearch poster for WSU Academic Showcase 2024

President of the Board

Previously: Vice President of the Board, Director of Public Relations, Team Captain

Mukilteo Robotics

Nov 2022 - Present

  1. Grew the organization to 45 active members who participated during the 2023 - 2024 season as competitors or collegiate mentors (an increase from 23 total members the previous season with a YoY growth of 96%)
  2. As the first-ever Director of Public Relations for Mukilteo Robotics, I created all branding elements from scratch, including colors, fonts, visual elements, and messaging, to ensure a solid and consistent identity.
  3. Helped raise over $21,000 (in-season costs, not including $11,000 raised for world championship) for the organization via fundraising efforts. Co-writer of Analog Devices grant proposal that secured $5,000 in funding.
Mukilteo RoboticsMukilteo Robotics Annual Report

Vice Chairman

Previously: Council Member

Legislative Youth Advisory Council (LYAC)

July 2023 - Present

  1. One of twelve students selected by the lieutenant governor's office from across Washington State to serve as a youth advisor to state legislators. Recently elected to serve as Vice Chairman for next year.
  2. Working on language access in education legislation to help ELL students get the support they need.
  3. Panelist for the 2024 Washington State Action Day, along with Senator Torres, Katherine Mahoney, and Stacy Osoria. Spoke about the importance of youth voice in policy-making to over 80+ in-person attendees.
  4. Panelist for The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education LEVinar hosted by the League of Education Voters. Discussed the potential benefits and drawbacks of AI in education to over 35+ live attendees.
Legislative Youth Advisory Council

Founder, Executive Director


July 2023 - Present

  1. Collaborating with nonprofits and organizations to design and develop websites that enhance their reach and influence, all at no cost.
  2. Designing, developing, and programming modern websites using technologies like HTML, CSS, Figma, React, Next.JS, & Tailwind CSS.

Director of Front-End Development

Previously: Front-End Lead

4Human Corporation

Dec 2023 - Sep 2024

  1. Directing front-end development for the entire 4Human organization. Personally executing the development of the 4Human website.
  2. Overseeing developers creating and developing front-end interfaces for multiple full-stack applications built in collaboration with other organizations.
4Human Corporation


Kamiak High School

Mukilteo, Washington

GPA 4.000/4.000

Expected Graduation: 2026

  • President of Kamiak Robotics Club,
  • School Council Representative,
  • Technology Student Association,
  • Computer Science Club


Skills including JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Tailwind, React, Next.js, Python, Git, Figma, PostgreSQL, Supabase, Cloudflare, GitHub, and Discord Bots development
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • React
  • Next.js
  • Python
  • Git
  • Figma
  • PostgreSQL
  • Supabase
  • Cloudflare
  • GitHub
  • Discord Bots


Washington State University


Ukrainian Book Project


Mapping Ukrainian Collections in US Public Libraries

Over 270,000 Ukrainians have come to the United States since the February 24th, 2022, full-scale military invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation.1 This has raised demand for Ukrainian language materials that some public libraries have struggled to meet. In order to facilitate the acquisition pipeline for libraries developing new Ukrainian language collections, we sought to identify libraries with strong existing collections, as well as those libraries that may need assistance with building these collections. We used OCLC data on Ukrainian language titles and their holding libraries. Two Washington State high school students with data science skills assisted us in the process, creating an interactive map showing the location of Ukrainian books in American libraries. We hope this map will be useful for improving the state of Ukrainian language collections to serve communities in the United States.

Washington State University


Ukrainian Book Project


Locations of Ukrainian-language books based on OCLC data

We sought to create an interactive map of Ukrainian books across American public libraries. Our primary data source for this project was OCLC, a global library organization that compiles standardized library catalogs and holding data for its members. We used it to obtain catalog records for books in the Ukrainian language, library holdings data for the books, and library type and location data (geographic coordinates). We used Tableau software to create the visualization. Note that holding data does not guarantee that books are available to the public for reading or checkout. We hope this map will be useful for improving the state of Ukrainian language collections to serve communities in the United States.

Washington State University


Ukrainian Book Project


Exploring Ukrainian Language Collections in US Libraries

Russia began the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. This invasion does not just affect people and their sovereignty, but the entire Ukrainian culture is under attack: Russia's bombing targets specifically include Ukrainian libraries and other cultural heritage institutions. Ukrainian advocacy groups have tried to encourage collecting at U.S. libraries but have been met with resistance, and continued efforts are slow. Many US libraries don't know where to order Ukrainian books, which ones to choose from, or how to catalog them, especially if they don't have Ukrainian speakers on staff. This project aims to shed light on the landscape of collecting. It is the first step for us to identify and overcome barriers to building Ukrainian collections in US public libraries.